International Accreditation Organization (IAO) is a globally recognized quality assurance agency, working to improve quality assurance standards of educational institutes all over the world. With its vast pool of accredited institutes and professionals, IAO's accreditation & affiliation is preferred by institutes over most regional accreditation agencies and national accreditation associations worldwide.
International Accreditation with Regional Accreditation.
International Benchmark in International Stanrdards.
Upto 15% increase in student retention.
30% increase in student enrollments.
Worldwide acceptance of your academic prorgams amongst
employers & educational institutes.
Seal & Certificate to promote your accreditation status
A dedicated webpage on IAO's website
Points Profile Score highlighting your strengths
Recommendation Reports to strengthen your weak areas
Promotional Opportunity via our webinars, seminars and
other events.
IAO is the only agency that is accepted widely amongst universities & employers
Our accredited institutes have claimed a 45%
increase in student enrollment + retention ratio in a span of one year after getting accredited
from IAO.
According to the survey around 1000
students from 1400 chose an IAO
Accredited Institute to pursue their highereducation
80% of students concluded their degrees were
accepted by majority of
the employers and
educational institutes worldwide.
IAO is one the few accreditation
agencies that promotes its accredited institutes massively including website, social mediums, blog, magazine and events